Designed for Loadsmart in 2022
a TMS navigation
that is Trustworthy
for Carrier operators
Carrier operators use Transportation Management System solutions to manage and run their business in many aspects, such as planning; execution; optimization; freight management; and general administration;
The project was done during a brand transition process where all products should be renamed and rebranded under the Loadsmart umbrella.
I had the chance to design a Transportation Management System navigation structure for 50,000+ carriers in the US freight market.
Product Designer
Discover research
User experience
Visual design
Seamless navigation
We had to design the navigation structure for CarrierGuide while considering all our capabilities, user necessities, and behaviors. Therefore, we combined Kamion and Loadsmart Loadboard features into a single experience.
My main objective was to propose a scalable and long-lasting design that could reduce usability costs when the user performs daily tasks.
Information architecture
Defining the hierarchy considering both product features was the most relevant process in this project. We had to analyze every page, flow, and all possible interaction to merge it correctly.
Loadsmart used to offer the Loadboard (Broker) and Kamion (TMS) as apart products with very different brands. And with this transition, they were offering a single product with brokerage and TMS's capabilities. Therefore we had to support both sides' findability.
That's why we decided to use icons + text for each menu option, we searched in the market and co-created with our clients the best section naming, and we chose a dark menu because it wouldn't distract users.
Selected projects
© 2024 Mateus Bolsoni